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Numerical Modeling/Simulations

Distributed Strain Sensing of a Solar PV single-axis tracking system located at the Nextracker Development Center 

This project seeks to demonstrate the ability of fiber optic sensing (FOS) technology to produce meaningful data that characterize single-axis tracking systems with regard to dynamic wind loading.  This project will explore the ability of FOS technology to capture frequency modes,… Read More »Distributed Strain Sensing of a Solar PV single-axis tracking system located at the Nextracker Development Center 

SCC-IRG Track 1 Designing Smart, Sustainable Risk Reduction in Hazard-Prone Communities: Modeling Risk Across Scales of Time and Space

In response to the NSF Smart & Connected Communities program, this project aims at initiating and expanding collective learning capacity through integrating digital twin simulations and social digital serious games. The goal of this project is to engage decision makers… Read More »SCC-IRG Track 1 Designing Smart, Sustainable Risk Reduction in Hazard-Prone Communities: Modeling Risk Across Scales of Time and Space

Caltrans – Evaluation of Soil Plug Geotechnical Resistance in the Design of CISS Piles

CSI has collaborated with Caltrans to deploy a distributed fiber optic sensing technology, specifically Distributed Strain Sensing (DSS) and Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) to quantify the effect of Cast-In-Steel Shell (CISS) pile soil plugging on pile capacity. The construction processes… Read More »Caltrans – Evaluation of Soil Plug Geotechnical Resistance in the Design of CISS Piles