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Workshop 6 – Pipeline System Testing for Hazard Resilience (October 11, 2024) in collaboration with Carollo


The workshop focused on developing and testing hazard-resilient pipe systems. We discussed how utility companies currently design, install, and assess products for these resilient pipeline systems. The goal was to advance the testing and modeling of hazard-resilient pipeline systems, which include pipes, valves, fittings, flanges, and service connections, for various ground deformation scenarios. The session explored innovative solutions to enhance the resilience of our critical infrastructure and examined ways to collaborate with utility partners and manufacturers. 

Key Topics

1. Testing to support:

  • Development of hazard-resilient (seismic) performance standards for different pipeline materials (e.g., ductile iron, plastic).
  • Performance of pipeline systems (e.g.,  hydrant laterals, tee vs. cross, repair coupling, valve, service laterals, FCA, MJ sleeves with restraints, etc ).
  • Understanding of the impact of pipe degradation on performance (e.g., the impact of corrosion).
  • Understanding of how maintenance practices affect performance (e.g., repair clamps and couplings).
  • Understanding of how construction details affect system performance (e.g., backfill material/geofoam, trench size, pipe to soil interaction). This should also incorporate the experience of field crews and the constructability of different products and designs.

2. Sensors, data, and modeling:

  • Discussion to understand how fiber optics and the associated data can be used to improve hazard-resilience.
  • Discussion on how AI/ML can be leveraged to improve planning, design and decision making (e.g., consequence modeling, system recovery, system risk modeling to prioritize pipe replacement, modeling to determine where to install valves).
  • Modeling tool to simplify selection of pipe material/joint type.

3. Funding and policy support:

  • Educate stakeholders at policy level on importance of seismic resilient infrastructure and the funding needs.
  • Accessible funding for Hazard resilient infrastructure for all cities, including small systems, without current funding?


  • Summary of Pipeline System Failures
  • ASCE Seismic Pipeline Manual of Practice Overview
  • ASCE Standard for Seismic Pipeline Product Testing
  • Hazard Resilient Pipeline Project Implementation and Products Overview
Workshop 5 – Consulting Community Collaboration (December 13 – 14, 2023)


The workshop centered on opportunities for consulting community collaboration within the CSI ecosystem. Several topics were covered during the workshop, including project updates and plans for pipe testing and field deployments, artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) data analytics tools for pipeline degradation, tunneling construction, and Smart-City technology adoption monitoring. The workshop also involved discussing the research interests of consultants, climate change and water supply needs and opportunities, as well as research and experimentation planned for Phase II.

Key Topics

  • Consulting community collaboration
  • Phase I research project updates
  • Data analytics for pipeline degradation, tunneling construction, and Smart-City technology adoption monitoring
  • Climate change and water supply needs and opportunities


  • Climate Change and Water Supply Needs and Opportunities
  • Dam Monitoring and Assessment
  • AI/ML (Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning) on Pipeline Degradation and Landslide Monitoring
  • Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing (DFOS) and Satellite Monitoring of Above-Ground Structures
  • MWD Hazard Simulations of Transmission Pipeline Network, and the SimCenter
Workshop 4 – Advanced Technologies and Simulation for Planning, Response & Recovery (March 9 – 10, 2023)


The workshop centered on the utilization of advanced technologies and simulation in planning, response, and recovery efforts. Several topics were covered during the workshop, including the utilization of current tools, upcoming research, and potential collaborations in the field. The workshop also involved discussing the research interests of stakeholders, as well as the results of research and experimentation conducted during Phase I.

Key Topics

  • Current capabilities, advanced technologies, gaps for Planning, Response & Recovery (Simcenter tools, Open SAR, Amazon sidewalk)
  • Research project opportunities and cooperations
  • Data driven model on infrastructure resilience
  • Pipeline testing experimental and finite element results 


  • Creating Resiliency by Harnessing the Collective Knowledge of the Community
  • Computational Framework to Enhance Resiliency and Decision-Making
  • Performance-based Earthquake Engineering Assessment Tool
  • Advanced technologies to Enhance Emergency Response and Recovery
  • Amazon Sidewalk
  • Pipe Testing Discussion
Workshop 3 – Infrastructure Resilience (November 9 – 10, 2022)


Workshop III shared and identified the following information with attendees:

● Opportunities and capabilities of the Center

● Assess interest in future opportunities for collaboration

● Assess capabilities utility and industry partners are interested in seeing from the Center

● Assess information utility and industry partners need to make a commitment to the Center

Key Topics

  • Large Scale pipeline testing
  • Field implantation (dams, pipelines, landslides)
  • Large scale network simulations (Simcenter tools, AMI)


  • Workshops I and II Recap
  • EBMUD/CSI Project Pipeline and Dam Research
  • Research Activities and Future Opportunities
  • Existing Capabilities and Potential Expansions
  • Funding Ecosystem, Strategy and Opportunities
  • LADWP Network Research: Power of Digital Twins
  • Sim Center Capabilities and Potential Expansions
  • Funding Ecosystem, Strategy, and Opportunities
Workshop 2 – UC Berkeley Research Capabilities (August 18 – 19, 2022)


UC Berkeley research team showcase the emerging technologies in the infrastructure space, including covered distributed sensors, in-field autonomy, off-site autonomy at sub-millimeter resolution, computer vision and LIDAR, and distributed fiber optic sensing. It also touched on risk prioritization for infrastructure replacement, understanding cascading failure effects, and applying social science research to evacuation and response strategies. The capabilities of the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) was discussed. Stakeholders and UC Berkeley research team discuss research that aligns with industry needs.

Key Topics

  • Emergency & Community Preparedness
    • Infrastructure Interaction, Wildfire Evacuation and Gaming
    • PEER activities on Emergency Preparedness
    • Drones, Remote Sensing, etc.
    • Asset Monitoring & Management
  • Aging Infrastructure
    • AI/ML at Simcenter and R2DTool Demo
    • Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
  • Water Supply, Natural Resources and Climate Change
  • CSI Laboratory Demonstration
Workshop 1 – Inaugural Industry Workshop  (April 7 – 8, 2022)


On April 7-8, stakeholders convened at UC Berkeley for the inaugural  Industry Collaboration Workshop. The workshop served as a forum to identify stakeholder research needs and potential opportunities for CSI to test and deploy technologies which address these priorities.

Key Topics 

Primary themes of the workshop: 

  • Infrastructure Replacement, Renewal, Maintenance; System Operations
    • Improving collection and utilization of data for how infrastructure is managed and how investments might be directed
    •  Better sensors & monitoring tools for data capture and management including tracking changes over time
    • Taking a systems approach to infrastructure management
  • Water Supply & Natural Resources
    • Mitigation of treated/potable water loss by leveraging data and customer engagement tools, including AMI data 
    • The ability to quantify & characterize leakage better
    • Needing to expand/go beyond traditional conservation measures
    • Integrating equity into sustainability initiatives
    • PFAS and emerging contaminants in recycled water
  • Climate Change, Sustainability, & Resiliency
    • Pipeline & tunnel seismic resilience
    • Ensuring resiliency and safety of dams
    • The ability to adapt and quantify the risk of climate change
    • The ability to prioritize adaptation measures to respond to climate change (performance of assets, carbon inventory, quantifying resilience)
  • Emergency Preparedness & Cascading Failures
    • Emergency & community response, preparedness in regards to dams
    • Developing a robust emergency response program that factors interdependencies, hybrids teams, and leverages data to make informed decisions
    • Understanding, visualizing, and simulating cascading failures and cascading recovery