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SCC-IRG Track 1 Designing Smart, Sustainable Risk Reduction in Hazard-Prone Communities: Modeling Risk Across Scales of Time and Space

    In response to the NSF Smart & Connected Communities program, this project aims at initiating and expanding collective learning capacity through integrating digital twin simulations and social digital serious games. The goal of this project is to engage decision makers across sectors and scales of jurisdiction in managing risk by reallocating attention, time, resources and overcoming barriers to enable collective action. Working with community partners, the project is developing an innovative sociotechnical digital twin of the San Francisco Bay Area that integrates virtual models of physical infrastructure systems, social/commercial networks, and insurance mechanisms. Serious games are being designed to be used as educational material to raise the level of community awareness and capacity for collective action. More info:

    Collaborator: NSF Smart & Connected Communities

    Researchers:  Seunghyn Lee, Bingyu Zhao, Louise Comfort, Paola Lusso, Yanglan Wang, Pengshun Li, Kenichi Soga (UC Berkeley)

    Domains: Smart City Tech

    Capabilities: Numerical Modeling/Simulations

    Publications: TBA!