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Nicholas Sitar

Edward G. Cahill and John R. Cahill Professor of Civil Engineering Office: Davis 449 Email: sitar‘at’ berkeley ‘dot’ edu Nicholas Sitar is a Edward G. Cahill and John R. Cahill Professor of Civil Engineering at UC Berkeley. Sitar’s research focuses… Read More »Nicholas Sitar

Louise Comfort

Professor Emeritus Email: lcomfort ‘at’ berkeley ‘dot’ edu Louise K. Comfort is Professor and former Director, Center for Disaster Management, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh. She is also affiliated faculty with the Policy Lab, Center… Read More »Louise Comfort

Chuao Dong

Ph.D. Student Email: chuaodong ‘at’ berkeley ‘dot’ edu Chuao Dong is currently a Ph.D. student in the Soga Research Group with interests in the application of sensing technologies on soil-pipe interaction, pipeline leakage, and soil desiccation. Prior to her Ph.D.,… Read More »Chuao Dong