DesignSafe: Providing Data and Computational Resources to Advance Research in Natural Hazards Engineering – Ellen M. Rathje
Today, many of the most transformative research discoveries occur at the nexus of data and computation. Yet, significant challenges exist in accessing relevant data, integrating it with computational tools, and gaining access to the required computing resources. The DesignSafe cyberinfra…
Read MoreSimCenter Tools to Support Natural Hazards Research: From Local to Regional Scale – Matthew DeJong
The SimCenter provides next-generation computational modeling and simulation software tools and educational materials to the natural hazards engineering community with the goal of advancing capabilities to simulate the impact of natural hazards on infrastructure, lifelines, and communities…
Read MoreAdvancing Sustainability in the Geotechnical Industry – Kimberly Martin
Although the term “sustainability” is becoming more widespread, it can be challenging to know what tangible things we can do as geotechnical engineers and contractors to further sustainable development goals. This talk aims to advance our understanding by providing a brief background on …
Read MoreDigital Twinning the Built Environment – Ioannis Brilakis
Digital Twinning methods can produce a reliable digital record of the built environment and enable owners to reliably protect, monitor and maintain the condition of their asset. The built environment is comprised of large assets that need significant resource investments to design, construct, mainta…
Read MoreThe Future of Water and the Vision for the CSI – Clifford Chan
As an industry, we are dealing with some enormous challenges. Infrastructure dating back over a century must be upgraded to deal with seismic threats and dwindling natural resources because of climate change. The escalating frequency of wildfires and intensifying droughts is straining our systems be…
Read MoreIntroducing the Center for Smart Infrastructure – Kenichi Soga
Many infrastructure assets are designed for a service life of 100 years, even with deterioration due to material degradation, extreme temperature, and external loads. But deterioration can accelerate because of poor design or workmanship, construction problems, unforeseen stressors, and inadequate m…
Read MoreTransforming Decisions on the Performance and Health of Transportation Structures using Cyber-Physical Systems: Lessons Learned and Future Outlook – Jerome Lynch
The field of civil engineering is radically changing based on the emergence of sensing, data and modes of automation previously unimaginable. One of the most successful advancements has been wireless sensors that can be used to collect structural response data with high nodal density and low install…
Read MoreInfrastructure Resilience and Innovation – Thomas O’Rourke
The effects of natural hazards with respect to infrastructure resilience are reviewed with examples related to earthquakes, hurricanes, and fire. Infrastructure resilience with respect to natural hazards vs climate change is discussed. Innovation with respect to increasing the resilience of pipeline…
Read MoreDevelopments in Smart Infrastructure and Construction in the UK – Jennifer Schooling
The increasing ability of data means that we are now in a position to monitor and understand our infrastructure and cities as never before. But what data should we collect? How should we manage and analyse it? How do we decide where to invest limited resources into sensing systems, novel technologie…
Read MoreStructures as Sensors: Physics-guided Learning for Indirectly Monitoring Humans and Surroundings – Haeyoung Noh
‘Smart structures’ sense, understand, and respond to structure itself, the humans within, and the surrounding environment. Traditional monitoring approaches using dedicated sensors often result in dense sensing systems that are difficult to install and maintain in large-scale structures. …
Read MoreAdvances in Computer Vision–based Civil Infrastructure Inspection and Monitoring – Bill Spencer
B.F. Spencer, Jr. is the Nathan M. and Anne M. Newmark Endowed Chair of Civil Engineering, UIUC. His research has been primarily in the areas of structural health monitoring, structural control, cyberinfrastructure applications, stochastic fatigue, stochastic computational mechanics, and natural haz…
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