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USDOT – Distributed fiber optic sensing of pipelines affected by fault crossing and landslide

The Soga Research Group secured funding from the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) to create a distributed monitoring system designed for steel pipelines transporting hydrocarbons through geohazard-prone areas. This innovative system has been implemented on a substantial PG&E… Read More »USDOT – Distributed fiber optic sensing of pipelines affected by fault crossing and landslide

Deformation Monitoring of Tunnel using Phase-based Motion Magnification and Optical Flow

During construction, continuous monitoring of underground tunnels can mitigate potential hazards and facilitate an in-depth understanding of the ground-tunnel interaction behavior. Traditional vision-based monitoring can directly capture an extensive range of motion but cannot separate the tunnel’s vibration and deformation… Read More »Deformation Monitoring of Tunnel using Phase-based Motion Magnification and Optical Flow