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DesignSafe: Providing Data and Computational Resources to Advance Research in Natural Hazards Engineering – Ellen M. Rathje

Today, many of the most transformative research discoveries occur at the nexus of data and computation.  Yet, significant challenges exist in accessing relevant data, integrating it with computational tools, and gaining access to the required computing resources.  The DesignSafe cyberinfrastructure… Read More »DesignSafe: Providing Data and Computational Resources to Advance Research in Natural Hazards Engineering – Ellen M. Rathje

SimCenter Tools to Support Natural Hazards Research: From Local to Regional Scale – Matthew DeJong

The SimCenter provides next-generation computational modeling and simulation software tools and educational materials to the natural hazards engineering community with the goal of advancing capabilities to simulate the impact of natural hazards on infrastructure, lifelines, and communities. One major goal of the… Read More »SimCenter Tools to Support Natural Hazards Research: From Local to Regional Scale – Matthew DeJong

Transforming Decisions on the Performance and Health of Transportation Structures using Cyber-Physical Systems: Lessons Learned and Future Outlook – Jerome Lynch

The field of civil engineering is radically changing based on the emergence of sensing, data and modes of automation previously unimaginable. One of the most successful advancements has been wireless sensors that can be used to collect structural response data… Read More »Transforming Decisions on the Performance and Health of Transportation Structures using Cyber-Physical Systems: Lessons Learned and Future Outlook – Jerome Lynch

Structures as Sensors: Physics-guided Learning for Indirectly Monitoring Humans and Surroundings – Haeyoung Noh

‘Smart structures’ sense, understand, and respond to structure itself, the humans within, and the surrounding environment. Traditional monitoring approaches using dedicated sensors often result in dense sensing systems that are difficult to install and maintain in large-scale structures. In this talk,… Read More »Structures as Sensors: Physics-guided Learning for Indirectly Monitoring Humans and Surroundings – Haeyoung Noh