The Soga Research Group/Center for Smart Infrastructure is working with EBMUD to develop a cutting-edge system for monitoring pipelines that cross active earthquake faults. Distributed fiber optic sensors were installed in 2022 along an approximately 200m alignment of two critical water transmission pipelines (HDPE, 22” and 36” outer diameter) which cross the active Hayward fault along Claremont Avenue in Oakland, CA. Note, due to the S-curve shape of the pipeline fault-crossing, a complex deformation mechanism is expected combining axial displacement (where the alignment is runs parallel to the fault trace) and lateral bending (where the alignment curves through the fault zone). Distributed strain and temperature have been measured and used to quantify axial displacements and lateral bending of both pipelines. Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) will be deployed to detect human activity and water flow/leakage along the pipeline. Field monitoring will continue over the next 10 years in order to evaluate long-term pipeline performance.
Collaborator: East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD)
Researchers: Maksymilian Jasiak, Peter Hubbard, Linqing Luo, James Wang, Yaobin Yang, Andrew Yeskoo, and Kenichi Soga (UC Berkeley) Krista Araica, Gus Cicala and Marshal Mcleod (EBMUD)
Domains: Lifeline Underground Infrastructure, Water Infrastructure
Capabilities: Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing (DFOS) – Distributed Strain Sensing (DSS), Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS), Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS)
Publications: Hubbard, P.G., Luo, L., Yeskoo, A., Soga, K. Araica, K. M., Cicala, G., Mcleod, M. (2021) “Design of a Distributed Strain Monitoring System for HDPE Water Pipelines Crossing An Earthquake Fault”, XXth International Plastic Pipes Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam.