Assistant Research Professor
Email: Brad.Wham ‘at’ Colorado ‘dot’ EDU
Brad serves as Assistant Research Professor and Co-Director of the Center for Infrastructure, Energy, and Space Testing at the University of Colorado Boulder. His research leverages the capabilities of unique campus laboratories and collaboration with diverse colleagues to conduct a wide range of experimental activities with academic and industry partners. For more information about ongoing projects visit the CIEST projects page. For project opportunities please submit an inquiry to the “Getting Started” page of the center’s website.
Research Interests:
- Hazard-resilient lifeline systems: evaluation, analysis, and design
- Multi-scale soil-structure interaction of buried infrastructure
- Geotechnical centrifuge modeling of infrastructure under earthquake loading
- Numerical and analytical modeling of pipeline system seismic response
- Seismic design and analysis of water and wastewater systems
- Disaster reconnaissance and lifeline system response/recovery
- Smart infrastructure systems and advanced instrumentation
- Trenchless rehabilitation/replacement of pipeline systems
- Large-scale testing and seismic evaluation of structural systems