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Affiliated Academics

Anna Serra-Llobet

Researcher Center for Catastrophic Risk Management of the University of California at Berkeley Email: annaserrallobet ‘at’ berkeley ‘dot’ edu Dr. Anna Serra-Llobet is a researcher at the Center for Catastrophic Risk Management of the Universityof California at Berkeley, conducting research on… Read More »Anna Serra-Llobet

Wonjun Cha

Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Birmingham Office: Room 221 Email: w.cha ‘at’ bham ‘dot’ ac ‘dot’ uk Wonjun Cha is an Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Birmingham. He has extensive experience… Read More »Wonjun Cha

Yili (Kelly) Tang

Assistant Professor Department of Civil and Environmental EngineeringDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Western Ontario, London, Ontario Office: Room 4400A Email: ytang564 ‘at’ uwa ‘dot’ ca Dr.Tang leads the MoTech Research Group. She actively engages in diverse academic and industry… Read More »Yili (Kelly) Tang

Tissa H. Illangasekare

Illangasekare’s primary area of research is in modeling of flow and transport in permeable and fractured media. His research encompasses many areas that include numerical modeling of saturated and unsaturated flow in soils, surface-subsurface interaction, arid-zone hydrology, integrated hydrologic modeling,… Read More »Tissa H. Illangasekare

Bingyu Zhao

Assistant Professor – Research Unit of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering, Institute of Transportation, Faculty ofCivil and Environmental Engineering, TU Wien (Austria) Office: Karlsplatz 13/230-1 (3. floor), 1040 Vienna, Austria Email: bingyu.zhao ‘at’ tuwien ‘dot’ Bingyu Zhao is a… Read More »Bingyu Zhao

Yuxin Wu

Geophysics Department Head in the Earth & Environmental Sciences Area at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Office: Building 083, Room 0103 Email: ywu3 ‘at’ lbl ‘dot’ gov Dr. Yuxin Wu is a Staff Scientist and the Geophysics Department Head in the Earth &… Read More »Yuxin Wu

Ziqi Wang

Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Office: 731 Davis Hall Email: ziqiwang ‘at’ berkeley ‘dot’ edu Ziqi Wang is an assistant professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. His research focuses on analyzing and understanding the reliability,… Read More »Ziqi Wang

Tracy Becker

Vice Chair for Research & Technical Support Ed & Diane Wilson Presidential Chair in Structural EngineeringAssociate Professor Office: 781 Davis Hall Email: tcbecker ‘at’ berkeley ‘dot’ edu Tracy Becker is an Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UC… Read More »Tracy Becker

Mohamad Hallal

Smart City Technology Lead Assistant Teaching Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Office: 213 McLaughlin Hall Email: mhallal ‘at’ berkeley ‘dot’ edu Mohamad Hallal is an Assistant Teaching Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UC Berkeley specializing in data… Read More »Mohamad Hallal